Dieser Blog präsentiert eine Auswahl verschiedener Texte von mir. Die Herangehensweise ist multilingual und interdisziplinär. Die Themen sind international und betreffen vor allem Nachhaltigkeit, Wirtschaft, Politik und soziale Aspekte.
Viel Vergnügen! - JJ Bürger -

Ce blog rassemble une séléction de mes textes. L'approche est plurilingue et interdisciplinaire. Les sujets sont internationaux et concernent notamment la durabilité, l'économie, la politique et certains aspects sociaux. Bonne lecture! - JJ Bürger -

Friday, May 17, 2019

France's low-carbon hydrogen ambitions : one year later

According to its strategy launched in 2018, France aims to reach at least 200 heavy-duty vehicles powered by low-carbon hydrogen by 2023 - and at least 5000 light-duty commercial vehicles. The targets for 2028 are even more ambitious, as they foresee to multiply the 2023 targets by at least 4.

In order to reach those targets, France announced an equally ambitious support budget of 100 million EUR (potentially per year) when it presented its hydrogen strategy in June 2018. So far, it does not seem like the reality of the 2019 budget can fully live up to that promise.

Nevertheless: now that the first selection of 11 hydrogen projects was presented this month by the French Energy Agency ADEME, the interest in the emerging market for low-carbon hydrogen solutions is at a new height, and it keeps on growing steadily.

However, in order to reach France's overall objective of creating an entire new industry around low-carbon hydrogen, certain financial and regulatory elements are still needed in order to create solid long-term perspectives.

This is what JJ Bürger describes in an article for the French magazine Usine Nouvelle, specialized on industry and energy topics. Please click here to read the entire article.
The article is only available in French language. If you are interested in publications in English or German, please feel free to reach out.

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Local and regional aspects of the Energy transition : France, Germany, United Kingdom


The energy transition continues to have a local dimension that is very strong. Indeed, large parts of the infrastructure, investments and jobs related to the clean energy sector are deeply rooted in their respective regions. Similarly, opposition against clean energy projects can frequently also have an important local dimension, for example in the form of citizen backlash or regional regulatory hurdles.

An international team of researchers now took on to further analyze these interactions between the energy transition and its local or regional contexts. Published at Lavoisier, the book cites specific examples and compares overall trends between France, Germany and the United Kingdom.

Local and regional aspects of the energy transition in Germany, France and in the UK

The book's contributions on Germany were elaborated by EIFER, the Karlsruhe-based European Institute for Energy Research. The author of this blog also contributed to this work.

The book is currently available only in French language. If you are interested in publications in English or German, please feel free to reach out.

Energy Transition and other challenges for German electricity grids


The energy transition is a challenge for electricity grids in Germany. Conceived for a centralized top-down power supply, the grid now has to integrate an increasing number of decentralized bottom-up power flows, while also ensuring that the overall system continues to run smoothly.

However, the increase of renewable energy in the current decade is not the only reason for this challenge. For example, the fleet of conventional power plants in Germany and Europe is also undergoing profound changes at the same time. In addition, parts of the German power grids are also considered by some experts to have suffered of a certain lack of investment in the late 20th century...

In order to assess the challenges of the German power grids correctly, they have to be portrayed in their actual, multi-facetted context. That is indeed the objective of JJ Bürger's book, which was published at Springer-Vieweg, a publishing company specialized in science and academia:

JJ Bürger - Transformationsprozesse und Stromnetzausbau

This book describes the planning processes of German grid development, and the policies put in place in order to modernize those planning processes for the needs of the emerging, new version of our energy system. Moreover, the book compares these targets with the reality of actual grid development progress. A large number of original sources are also referenced, supporting the book's analysis of the current situation in the 21st century, as well as its succinct review of the history of German power grid development in the 20th century.

The book is currently available only in German language. If you are interested in publications in English or French, please feel free to reach out.

Over 8 years and 100 blog posts

When this blog started in late 2010, who would have thought that it would still be around 8 years later - still alive and actively producing new posts?
It is early 2019 now, and we just stepped beyond the remarkable limit of 100 blog posts!
Many thanks to everybody who has read, followed and shared this journey with me.
Here is to the next milestones that we will reach together!

JJ Bürger

Quand ce blog a démarré fin 2010, qui aurait dit qu'il serait toujours là 8 ans plus tard - toujours vivant et actif ? 
A l'heure actuelle, nous sommes début 2019, et nous venons de franchir le cap des 100 articles postés !
Merci beaucoup à tous ceux qui ont lu, suivi et partagé ce voyage avec moi.
Aux prochaines étapes que nous allons franchir ensemble!

JJ Bürger

Wer hätte gedacht, als dieser Blog Ende 2010 startete, dass er 8 Jahre später immer noch hier sein würde - und immer noch aktiv neue Posts produzieren würde?
Soeben haben wir die Marke von 100 Blogposts überschritten!
Vielen Dank allen, die diese Reise mit mir geteilt, verfolgt und gelesen haben.
Auf die nächsten Meilensteine, die wir gemeinsam erreichen werden !

JJ Bürger