Dieser Blog präsentiert eine Auswahl verschiedener Texte von mir. Die Herangehensweise ist multilingual und interdisziplinär. Die Themen sind international und betreffen vor allem Nachhaltigkeit, Wirtschaft, Politik und soziale Aspekte.
Viel Vergnügen! - JJ Bürger -

Ce blog rassemble une séléction de mes textes. L'approche est plurilingue et interdisciplinaire. Les sujets sont internationaux et concernent notamment la durabilité, l'économie, la politique et certains aspects sociaux. Bonne lecture! - JJ Bürger -

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Happy Anniversary!

This December 2016, http://euplanet.blogspot.com is celebrating its 6 year anniversary. Indeed, this blog was launched in December 2010, and has continued to grow and evolve ever since. At the same time, this is also a great occasion to celebrate some other milestones, as the magical number of 90 posts has been reached, as well as the even more magical number of 10,000 page views

I would like to take this opportunity to send a very warm Thank You to all of this blog’s readers, Twitter followers and partner projects. May this beautiful story continue to help us inspire each other and share information and thoughts!

All the best,